A false union or all the delights of a toxic relationship
When one of the partners suppresses the personality of the other “for the good” - a false union. It’s enough to feel it on your own skin once
all the delights of a toxic relationship, this will be enough for you
life forward! I nailed a simple truth to my nose:
“I don’t want to tolerate this, I won’t!”
From everything that happened, I made the main conclusion: relationships -
not the meaning of life! I don't need a relationship to realize my desires.
him! I learned to be independent in everything. The young ladies “don’t
I want to think, I want to be held in my arms” - for me they are like strange little animals.
I wonder how they even think and exist?
Already in Ukraine, I completely eliminated the terrible program
mu “relationships = happiness.” I met my husband when
adhered to a holistic model of behavior.
Darina Frain
Quote from the book
"World Consciousness"